- The Justice Project e.V./Germany
- Gemeinsam gegen Menschenhandel e.V./Germany
- SOLWODI Deutschland e.V./Germany
- APG 23 (Associazione Comunitá Papa Giovanni XXIII)/Italy
- SURT/Spain
- Simon Kolbe (Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)/Germany
The Justice Project e.V. is carrying out this project together with the alliance Gemeinsam gegen Menschenhandel e.V., SOLWODI Deutschland e.V., Associazione Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII and Surt. Simon Kolbe, an expert from the research association Katholische Universität Eichstätt, will provide a peer review of the publications produced in this project.
The Justice Project e.V., Karlsruhe
The Justice Project e.V. is a non-profit association based in Karlsruhe. Since 2011, the association has been working with survivors of human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation as well as with women working in Germany’s legalised sex industry.
The contact café Mariposa serves as a counselling centre where women working in prostitution can receive assistance and access to other social and medical services. In addition, street work is carried out, in which women are met directly in brothels, flats and on the streets.
OASE is the department which supports survivors of human trafficking on their way to an independent and self-determined life. Survivors have the opportunity to live in an anonymous house and participate in "Kompass," a preparatory integration program which includes German language classes, literacy, cultural classes, trauma management and creative activities.
Gemeinsam gegen Menschenhandel e.V., Berlin
"Together against Human Trafficking" is an alliance of more than 40 organisations and initiatives as well as some committed individuals who work in different ways against human trafficking. The focus is on public relations work; prevention in Germany and the countries of origin; victim protection and assistance for victims through support for member organisations that do outreach work and run shelters and/or specialist counselling centres. Others have opened a so-called "Freedom Business", which enables them to offer affected and particularly vulnerable people a job and thus their own income; improvement of the legal framework in Germany by supporting measures that improve the criminal prosecution of traffickers as well as victim protection and compensation.
SOLWODI Deutschland e.V.
SOLWODI stands for "SOLidarity with WOmen in DIstress". The foundation for this international human rights association was laid in Mombasa (Kenya) in 1985 by Sr. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Lea Ackermann.
SOLWODI operates 18 specialised counselling centers and seven sheltered housings in Germany for migrant women in distress. SOLWODI Deutschland e.V. offers holistic psycho-social care and advice, sheltered housing, referrals to legal and medical help as well as support in voluntary returns to the clients' countries of origin.
The Pope John XXIII Community Association
APG23 is an international association founded in 1968 by Father Oreste Benzi. The association is present in 40 countries across five continents, manages 520 different centers all over the world and runs several projects in order to address the different needs of vulnerable people. The association is also active with projects for emergency humanitarian relief and is present in conflict zones through its non-violent peace corps “Operation Dove”.
Surt is an association for social action that works to make the economic, social and cultural rights of women effective and to eradicate all forms of discrimination on the basis of gender, with a view to achieving a society with effective gender equality.
Simon Wilhelm Kolbe, Research Assistant; M.A. Social Work, Dipl.-Soz.-Päd. (FH), PhD Student; KU Eichstätt; *18.08.1984
Faculty of Education and Philosophy: Chair of Social Pedagogy; German-Jordanian Society e.V.; DBSH e.V. Deutscher Berufsverband für Soziale Arbeit e.V. (AG christliche Sozialarbeit), Gemeinsam gegen Menschenhandel e.V. , NeMiF (Netzwerk Migrations- und Fluchtforschung Bayern)
Interdisciplinary action-oriented research on inclusion and spiritual resources among children; conceptualisation and effectiveness in the field of flight, migration and asylum, peace education and peace measurement.
Doctoral thesis: Research into inclusive competences in connection with spiritual resources.
Luitpoldstraße 32, 85072 Eichstätt