Press article published 05 August 2021 by semprenews
Do you prostitute yourself? A former victim rescues you.
The story of 4 young women who decided to support their compatriots who escaped the hell of prostitution. A courageous way to say stop trafficking in women. Written by Irene Ciambezi, member of the SISA Project." > to the article
(Press) Reports and Radio interviews presenting SISA
January 2022 Mental health of GBV migrant victims. Promising practices in the context of the pandemic (by APG23, The Pope John XXIII Community Association)
March 2022 Incorporate the knowledge of the survivors of trafficking to ensure their recovery ( by SURT)
November 2022 Radio interview with the story of one of the SISA-mentees returned with her children from Germany to Italy (sveriges radio in Swedish/English by APG23, The Pope John XXIII Community Association)
Websites and Newsletter presenting SISA
KOK – Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V.
Projectnewsletter 10/2021
The Justice Project e.V.
2020 Annual Report
2021 Annual Report
Website in English
Website in German
2021 Annual Report
Newsletter 09/2021
Newsletter 03/2021
Website (30.000 visitors/year)
Press article published 23 May 2022 by Lost in Europe
Crossborder cooperation in the EU
High numbers of Dublin Returnees face immediate homelessness due to government paperwork processing delays. Because of the apparent gaps, NGOs feel the need to establish initiatives, such as the Return Assistance Network (T-DAN) which is part of a European Commission funded project called SISA. This network comprises of ten European organizations with access to over 200 emergency housing solutions throughout Italy to support victims of human trafficking affected by Dublin returns. “We found that bureaucratic delays in communication between Germany and Italy would hinder access to official support by the government. Therefore T-DAN aims to bridge the gap by providing shelter to clients in safe housing and immediate support in the return country,” says Rawan Shrum, initiator of the SISA Project." > to the article
EU sister projects showcasing SISA
Enhancing the anti-trafficking identification, prevention and support mechanisms
CONFERENCE-Website and Press release
Gender-Specific Integration Model: Guidebook for practitioners working with women victims of human trafficking on gender-specific integration